Kelly Rolls Two Number Cubes

Kelly rolls two number cubes, embarking on an adventure that unveils the captivating world of probability. With each roll, a myriad of possibilities unfolds, inviting us to delve into the fascinating realm of chance and outcomes.

This engaging exploration delves into the intricacies of rolling number cubes, unraveling the probabilities of specific sums, doubles, and mutually exclusive events. We’ll calculate expected value and variance, shedding light on the significance of these concepts in probability experiments.

Introduction to the Probability Experiment

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In this experiment, we will be rolling two number cubes. A number cube, also known as a die, is a six-sided cube with each side numbered from 1 to 6. When we roll two number cubes, we are interested in the sum of the numbers that appear on the top faces of the cubes.

The possible outcomes of rolling two number cubes are the numbers from 2 to 12. We can represent the sample space of this experiment using a table:

1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
5 6 7 8 9 10 11
6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Probability of Specific Outcomes

Kelly rolls two number cubes

In addition to finding the probability of any outcome, we can also calculate the probability of specific outcomes. This can be useful for games or other situations where we are interested in a particular result.

Probability of a Specific Sum

To find the probability of rolling a specific sum, we need to count the number of ways to get that sum and divide by the total number of possible outcomes.

For example, to find the probability of rolling a sum of 7, we would count the number of ways to get a 7. There are six ways to get a 7: (1, 6), (2, 5), (3, 4), (4, 3), (5, 2), and (6, 1). There are 36 possible outcomes when rolling two number cubes, so the probability of rolling a sum of 7 is 6/36 = 1/6.

Probability of a Double

A double is when both number cubes show the same number. To find the probability of rolling a double, we need to count the number of ways to get a double and divide by the total number of possible outcomes.

Kelly rolled two number cubes and got a sum of 7. To prepare for her upcoming APUSH exam, she decided to take an apush unit 3 practice test to brush up on her knowledge. After completing the test, she went back to analyzing the probabilities of rolling the number 7 again when she rolls two number cubes.

There are six possible doubles: (1, 1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (5, 5), and (6, 6). There are 36 possible outcomes when rolling two number cubes, so the probability of rolling a double is 6/36 = 1/6.

Mutually Exclusive Events

Mutually exclusive events are events that cannot happen at the same time. For example, rolling a sum of 7 and rolling a double are mutually exclusive events. This is because it is not possible to roll a sum of 7 and a double at the same time.

The concept of mutually exclusive events is important when calculating the probability of compound events. A compound event is an event that consists of two or more simple events.

Expected Value and Variance: Kelly Rolls Two Number Cubes

Kelly rolls two number cubes

In the context of rolling two number cubes, expected value refers to the average value we expect to obtain from the sum of the two numbers, while variance measures how spread out the possible outcomes are from this average.

To calculate the expected value, we multiply each possible outcome by its probability and sum the results. For example, the probability of rolling a sum of 2 is 1/36, the probability of rolling a sum of 3 is 2/36, and so on.

The expected value is then:

Expected Value

  • E(X) = (2 – 1/36) + (3 – 2/36) + (4 – 3/36) + … + (12 – 1/36)
  • E(X) = 7

The variance, on the other hand, measures the spread of the distribution. It is calculated by finding the squared difference between each possible outcome and the expected value, multiplying each squared difference by its probability, and then summing the results.

The variance for rolling two number cubes is:

Variance, Kelly rolls two number cubes

  • Var(X) = ((2 – 7)^2 – 1/36) + ((3 – 7)^2 – 2/36) + ((4 – 7)^2 – 3/36) + … + ((12 – 7)^2 – 1/36)
  • Var(X) = 35/6

The expected value and variance are important measures in probability experiments as they provide insights into the central tendency and spread of the distribution. They help us make predictions about the likely outcomes and assess the risk associated with different choices.

Distribution of Outcomes


When you roll two number cubes, the possible outcomes range from 2 to 12. The distribution of these outcomes can be represented in a frequency distribution table or histogram.

A frequency distribution table shows the number of times each outcome occurs. A histogram is a graphical representation of the distribution, with the outcomes plotted on the x-axis and the frequency on the y-axis.

Shape of the Distribution

The distribution of outcomes for rolling two number cubes is approximately bell-shaped. This means that the most common outcomes (7 and 8) occur more frequently than the less common outcomes (2 and 12).

The distribution is also symmetrical, meaning that the mean, median, and mode are all equal.

Using the Distribution to Make Predictions

The distribution of outcomes can be used to make predictions about future rolls. For example, you can predict that the most common outcome (7 or 8) is more likely to occur than the least common outcome (2 or 12).

You can also use the distribution to calculate the probability of a specific outcome. For example, the probability of rolling a 7 is 1/6.

Applications and Extensions

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Rolling number cubes is not just limited to simple games; it has practical applications and can be extended to explore more complex scenarios.

Game Applications

  • Dice Games:Rolling number cubes is a fundamental mechanic in various board games, such as Monopoly, Yahtzee, and Dungeons & Dragons, adding an element of randomness and excitement.
  • Simulations:Number cubes can be used to simulate real-world situations, such as traffic patterns or the spread of diseases, providing valuable insights for decision-making.


The probability experiment of rolling number cubes can be extended in several ways:

  • Multiple Cubes:Rolling three or more number cubes increases the sample space and introduces new probability distributions, allowing for more complex calculations and analysis.
  • Weighted Cubes:Using number cubes with different probabilities (e.g., a cube with two sides labeled “1” and one side labeled “6”) alters the expected value and variance of the outcomes.

Beyond Number Cubes

The principles of probability derived from rolling number cubes can be applied to a wide range of other situations:

  • Coin Flips:Similar to rolling a number cube, flipping a coin involves two possible outcomes (heads or tails), and the probability of each outcome can be calculated.
  • Card Games:The probability of drawing a specific card from a deck or the likelihood of getting a particular hand in poker can be determined using probability theory.
  • Quality Control:In manufacturing, probability is used to estimate the likelihood of defects in products, ensuring quality standards.

FAQ Insights

What is the probability of rolling a sum of 7?

The probability of rolling a sum of 7 is 1/6.

What is the expected value of the sum of two number cubes?

The expected value of the sum of two number cubes is 7.

How can I use the distribution of outcomes to make predictions about future rolls?

The distribution of outcomes can be used to predict the likelihood of rolling specific sums or doubles in future rolls.